Books & Book Chapters

* indicates undergraduate students as co-authors

Invited book chapter:

Handbook of International Undergraduate Research “Concepts for and Experiences with Student Research” that has been approved to be published by Cambridge University, UK.

  1. Coleman, N., Vinogradova. N., Zhukova, N. and Nikitin, I. Undergraduate Research in Russian Federation – Back to the Future? Handbook of International Undergraduate Research on Concepts for and Experiences with Student Research. Chapter IV International Perspectives. 2022. Cambridge University, UK. Invited book chapter.

  2. Coleman, N. Long live the cell: constitution of the human body and why it dies. Phoenix, Russian Federation. 2021. 181 p.

  3. Farina, D. M. and Coleman, N. College Student Reception of Next-Generation Learning and Effective Approaches for Instructors. Handbook of Research on Pedagogical Models for Next-Generation Teaching and Learning. Chapter 17. 2017.

  4. Eby, W. M., and Coleman, N. Mathematical Models in Stem Cell Differentiation and Fate Predictability. Regenerative Medicine. Chapter 6. 2016.

  5. Coleman, N., Farina, D. M., and Rabinovich, L. Common Denominators to Learner-Centered Success: Undergraduate Stem, Graduate Teacher Education, and an Educational Technology Doctoral Program. Handbook of Research on Lerner-Centered Pedagogy in Teacher Education and Professional Development. Chapter 2. 2016.

  6. Zabelina (Coleman). N and Pozdnyakova. T. Cell Biology. St. Petersburg State Agricultural University Press. St. Petersburg, 2000. (31p).

  7. Golubev. A., Skrobach. V., and Zabelina (Coleman). N. Basic Genetics. St. Petersburg State Agricultural University Press. St. Petersburg, 1999. (186p).